is an acronym for a skier or snowboarder that stands for: guaranteed accident prone on every run. They can be spotted at the landing of jumps just out of view for those dropping, cutting people off on runs, running into people, falling off lifts, and generally making a fool of themselves. They are usually dressed in 80's ski gear or brand new gear that they spent way to much money on and have the trademark gaper gap between the goggles and hat and many times the pants are tucked into the boots."
"A gaper is a skiier or snowboarder who is completely clueless. Usually distiungished by their bright colored clothes and a gaper gap, the gap between goggles and a helment/hat. Gapers also do the "Gaper Tuck" which is an attempt at being a ski racer by tucking, however, it is done incorrectly with the poles sticking straight up like thunderbolts and lighting, very very frightning! Gapers also sit at the bottom of jumps and try and go big off table tops in the park."
Looks like an idiot on the mountain and takes gigantic turns on flat cat tracks and are skiing icy bumps directly under the lift when there is powder stashed all over mountain, or stashed in the trees right next to them.
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