Tuesday, February 26, 2013


The name "Anasazi" has come to mean "ancient people," although the word itself is Navajo, meaning "enemy ancestors."

National Geografikoek "Kodachrome Bassin" izena jarri zioten atzo egon nintzen toki bati, garai hartan Kodak ateratako film berri horrekin lortzen ziren koloreengatik.
Nik "Fotoxop Canyon" jarri diot toki honi. Programa famatu horren beharrik ez dagoelako argazkietan kolore ikusgarriak lortzeko. (Kill Photoshop!)

Capitol Reef

The Fremont people were a diverse set of groups who were contemporaries of the
Anasazi but lived a different sort of lifestyle. Most were small bands of hunters, foragers
and corn farmers who lived in small pit house villages, moving every few years, however, in
a few places they created large stable villages
 They did have a typical pottery style and their petroglyph designs were quite distinctive.
The Fremont culture began about 2500 years ago and flourished until the culture
gradually disappeared between 1250-1500 AD, as did the Anasazi culture.

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