Thursday, May 6, 2010

Back Home

Rocky Mountain High

He was born in the summer of his twenty seventh year
coming home to a place he'd never been before.
He left yesterday behind him, you might say he was born again
might say he found a key for ev'ry door.

When he first came to the mountains his life was far away
on the road and hangin' by a song.
But the strings already broken and he doesn't really care
it keeps changin' fast and it don't last for long.

But the Colorado Rocky Mountain high
I've seen it rainin' fire in the sky
the shadow from the starlight
is softer than a lullabye

Rocky Mountain high,Colorado Rocky Mountain high, Colorado

He climbed Cathedral Mountains he saw silver clouds below
he saw ev'rything as far as you can see.
And they say that he got crazy once and he tried to touch the sun
and he lost a friend but he kept his memory.

Now he walks in quiet solitude the forest and the streams
seeking grace in ev'ry step he takes.
His sight has turned in side himself to try and understand
the serenity of a clear blue mountain lake.

And the Colorado Rocky Mountain high
I've seen it rainin' fire in the sky
talk to God and listen to the casual reply

Rocky Mountain high, Colorado
Rocky Mountain high, Colorado

Now his life is full of wonder but his heart still knows some fear
of a simple thing he cannot comprehend.
Why they try to tear the mountains down to bring in a couple more
more people more scars upon the land.

And the Colorado Mountain high
I've seen it rainin' fire in the sky
I know he'd be a poorer man
if he never saw an eagle fly.

Rocky Mountain high,

It's a Colorado Mountain high
I've seen it rainin' fire in the sky
friends around the campfire
and ev'rybody's high

Rocky Mountain high, Colorado
Rocky Mountain high, Colorado
Rocky Mountain high, Colorado
Rocky Mountain high, Colorado


Zuhaitzetan den ederrena da oihan beltzean pagoa'...
Orreagako mendi gainetan badabil euskal-gogoa:
Galernen eta gerlen artetik mendetan barna xut doa,
pagadoietan ixilik kontuz Europakoen geroa.

Zonbat gerlari, sarraskiz gose, odolez eta suz hordi,
Europatarrak zanpatu nahiz iragan denik hor gaindik!
IbaƱetako mendi lepoa heitaz mintza baladi,
aipa letzazke lehen-lehenik Arrolan eta Karlandi.

Buru-gabetu, bihotzez hustu jendalde lehertuekin,
mundu guztia nahiko zuten, beren azpiko bategin.
Euskal jendeak, denengatik xut, gogor jeikitzen du jakin
mendi gain hautan, burua gora, gizonak gizon dagotzin.

Indarkeriak ezarri mugak kraskatzen hasi orduko,
Euskal gogoa noiz da jauziren arranoaren pareko?
Azpilkueta bezain kartsuko eta jakintza gaitzeko
gizon libroak noiz ote dire Orreagatik jaliko?

Zoin den pizgarri mendietarik jauzika doan xirripa...
Euskal-semeak, Aiten gogoa bihotz guziaz hurrupa!
Altxa burua, denek bat kanta: Euskal Gudua gaur aipa:
Entzunik zuen irrintzina, xutik jar dadin Europa!

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